Cleanliness Drive

AIF Cleanliness Drive
Aligned with the PM’s thinking on ‘Swach School Swach Bharat’ campaign, on the occasion of Children day, AIF and schools took a pledge by demonstrating “Clean School Campaign”. The pur-pose of this campaign is to educate students in the schools on the importance of litter prevention and in taking pride in the ap-pearance of their school. We feel that by educating the students, we are in-vesting in India’s future. The Clean School Pledge would encourage student involvement in main taining clean, litter-free schools.
Participation of Schools and DIETs in Campaign 

Presently cleanliness is taken as minimum implementation plan in school with selected themes on cleanliness.
Self , Classroom, Toilet, Neighborhood, Food, Water

PROJECT DARPAN ( I am the Change)

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